
Training Contracts

Work Shadowing

Work experience placements for Year 10 and above pupils
We are pleased to be able to offer two work experience placements of up to two weeks in duration to school age pupils (Year 10 and above) each academic year. Placements will usually take place in February/March and July each year.

Our work experience placements are an opportunity to experience working in a firm of solicitors and to learn about the different job roles available. The work experience will consist of admin work together with some fee earner work shadowing. The work experience provided will be as broad as possible and will be designed to enable you to see first-hand what happens in a typical day working in a law firm.

To apply please send a letter or email to:
Kath Mitchell
HR Assistant
Wake Smith LLP
68 Clarkehouse Road
S10 2LJ


Your letter/email should include the following:

• the reasons why you would like to undertake a work experience placement at Wake Smith LLP;
• what you hope to achieve during your placement;
• some information about you and your ambitions for the future; and
• the start date and duration of your requested placement.

The deadline for applications is 31st March 2014.
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